I do not claim to hold the authority of any spiritual lineage or academic institution. I am simply doing the work that comes naturally to me.
I do not rely on any one specific technique.
No 'technique' or 'mechanism' is required for Self-realisation.
The Self is revealing itsSelf at every moment. The awakening to this truth is Self-Realisation. It is not a stage or state to attain... It is eternally taking place. It is all that ever happens.
This is why zen and radical advaita traditions simply refer us back to the present moment, and to the everyday beauty, the mundane, the 'insignificant'... Because it is All Arising in Consciousness Here Now. Consciousness is the Root of All that Is...
Even the question, “What do I need to do to attain Self-realisation?” is just arising spontaneously in Consciousness... and doesn't require an answer...
Without this feeling, thoughts just arise and subside...
And the vastness of the Self remains clearly untouched... unstained...